OLE DB x Linked server
Napsal: 04.03.2024 16:01
Při práci s linked serverem se může objevit tato chyba:
The operation could not be performed because ole db provider "msoledbsql" for linked server was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
The operation could not be performed because ole db provider "msoledbsql" for linked server was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
- Povolení MS Distributed Transaction Coordinator na Windows Server 2022
- Windows Administrative Tools / Component Services / Computers / Distributed Transaction Coordinator / Local DTC - pravé tlačítko Properties
- záložka Security - Povolit Network DTC Access, Allow Inbound, Allow Outbound, No Autetication Required, Enable XAA Transactions
- Dále ve Windows Defender Firewall povolit Distributed Transaction Coordinator